
Holi is round the corner, and festivals are great opportunity to meet your near and dears, but fear of your car getting dirty restricts you to venture out. Now a day’s Holi partys are arranged where you cannot escape colour and mess and some colours are stubborn. By just taking few precautions, as suggested by Easylives doorstep car cleaners, you can save loads of time and energy to keep your car clean.
First lets us take some preventives before the festival.

Main Points for car cleaning in Holi:-

    • Easylives doorstep experts say, clean your car with a microfiber cloth and branded shampoo thoroughly, and then apply a coat of wax on the exterior of the car; you can do this at home, but, if possible take help of professional car cleaner. If you do at home, make sure you apply the
      wax all over the body as well as alloys. The wax prevents any Holi stains to leave any permanent damage on the car paint.

    • The interior of your car, all the plastic parts, should be polished with branded polish like dashboard, the steering wheel, the handbrake, the console and the door panels to protect it from any damage..

    • For seats, in case you have fabric seats, better put thick towel, which can be easily removed to wash it off, any Holi colors on it. But, if your seats are of leatherette, then, apply leather protection coat on it, which is available in the market. Post Holi precautions :

    • After Holi , if your car has leather seats , you need to be more careful , as water colours are harmful for it. To clean any colour on it, dip a cotton ball with nail polish remover and rub the areas, which are coloured. You can use vinegar, or colin , spray and let it sit for a while and then
      completely wipe it with microfiber clothes.

    • In case, you have fabric seats, it remains wet for longer period, causing dampness and bad odour from the car. To be safe you can spread a thick towel, or put a removable seat covers which are available in the market. It is easy to remove and wash. Experts at Easylives doorstep
      car wash
      , advise to take professional help and go dry-cleaning of your interior as well as exterior, just after the Holi.

    • Another smart way is to take public transport or cabs, in place of your car. Holi is a festival of colours, offering sweets and alcohol also is part of the tradition, a word of caution is, never drive a car while you are drunk. Have a happy and safe Holi.

    • After taking all these preventives, the colour doesn’t go , then ,it is always advised to go for dry-cleaning as well as complete steam wash to kill any germ inside by professional car wash company.

    • Easylives Door step is considered most favourite premium and the best car wash in gurugram, which provides host of car detailing services at very reasonable rates.

    • You can visit us and book your service on

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